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Selectmen Minutes 10/31/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 31, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert, Selectman DeBold and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Budget Committee   
BUDGET COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Bruce Dyke, Lucille Noel, Pam Stiles
DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVES: Evelyn Pike, Town Clerk/Tax Collector; Ruth Hammen, Historical Society; Carolee Davison, Library Trustee; Ed Meehan, Board of Adjustment; and Brad Towle, Planning Board


TC/Tax – Evelyn explained the increase in the salary line for the Deputy positions is due to correctly budgeting the total hours scheduled versus hours actually worked by the individual.  Boat fees, mileage and preservation of records were other lines discussed.  Ms. Pike made note that last year she did not put in for the 3% salary increase but did this year.

Historical Society – Repairs budgeted for the building has been reduced from last year.  The Society has received a quote for paving the parking area in front of the Community Building. After discussion it was recommend to place this one time project as a warrant article rather than in the operating budget and to gather additional quotes.  Several local contractors were recommended.  There will be no Barn Project this year so general expenses are down by 3%.  Ms. Hammen mentioned the Historical Society would like to update the Capital Improvement Plan but did not receive the forms.  Lisa will forward copies to her.

BOA – Line 4191-20-expenses; was increased to $500 due to the current year to date expenses.  When Doctor Meehan arrived, Chairman MacCleery removed himself from further BOA budget discussion.  Doctor Meehan requested the Selectmen consider a 3% increase to the secretarial line and to consider allowing for mileage reimbursement for the secretary.  After discussion it was decided to add a separate line for mileage under planning and zoning.  Doctor Meehan informed the Board of Selectmen that the Board of Adjustment is in need of members.  One member has not been attending and another has a conflict with the meeting nights. Doctor Meehan has addressed the issue and sent letters to the two members.    

Library – The new well is in and under cost.  It is a true artisan. Recommendations for capping it will be needed. Selectman DeBold offered to contact NHDES for suggestions and costs. The maintenance line was discussed.  A replacement gutter needs to have brackets made and then it can be installed on the side of the building.  

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BOS minutes
October 31, 2006

As a result of Internet service being provided free to the library, a reduction of $200.00 was made to the telephone line.  

The breakdown of expenses will be included in the town report.  Chairman MacCleery apologized for the omission of the library expense breakdown by the office staff in last year’s report.  
Planning Board – Mr. Brad Towle presented the budget for the Planning Board.  Most cost items are driven by the number of applications and are off set by fees paid by the applicants. The legal line was reduced.  The budget is down overall by $4000.00.  

The budget requests from the Old Home Day Committee for $2000.00; Community Action for $2630.00 and Concord Regional Visiting Nurse for $1370.00, were approved.

A new line item with $100.00 was added for Health Expenses.  Taking into account the decrease in costs for vendor payments over the last couple years, the line was reduced to $10,000.  

SUBJECT: Waiver of Liability – Ring Road  
 PRESENT: Mr. Armand Nolin

Mr. Nolin is interested in purchasing the property on Ring Road currently owned by Donald & Tami Russell.  The property fronts the class VI portion of the road. In 2000, the town signed a liability waiver with the former owner Clayton Weeks to allow for a building permit on this lot.  Mr. Nolin inquired whether or not the current Board of Selectmen was bound by this agreement and if not what would the town be requiring as far as road upgrades to consider this lot eligible for a building permit. This is a sub standard lot due to lack of road frontage.  The Selectmen offered two options to Mr. Nolin.  Chairman MacCleery explained the process to Mr. Nolin of how to petition the Selectmen to upgrade the road.  Mr. Nolin was made aware that he would still need to be placed on the waiting list for a building permit per the Growth Management Ordinance.

In regards to the amount of road frontage, the Board recommended Mr. Nolin research deed descriptions and the plan referenced to obtain an exact date of the subdivision to determine zoning compliance or the need to seek a variance.  The lot is classified in the Open Space Wetlands; a soil scientist will need to determine the amount of build able soils.  Mr. Nolin will do some research at the registry and update Lisa with his results.  

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BOS minutes
October 31, 2006


A request for information from Paul Twomey relative to the Town Organization Committee was reviewed.  Lisa will make copies and notify Mr. Twomey when they are available to be picked up.

Motion Chairman MacCleery second by Selectman Colbert to update the fees charged for copies.  The current schedule has expired. All were in favor.  Motion Carries.
Fee Schedule Effective October 31, 2006
Tax Card - $1.00        Tax Map - $1.00 8.5” x 11” Copy - $.50
8.5”x14” - $ .75        11”x17” - $1.00 Voter Checklist - $25.00
Voter Chklist on CD or Floppy - $50.00  Property Owner Mailing List - $35.00
Fax requests; property cards, maps, etc. - $2.00 first page/$1.00 each additional

The following appointments were signed by the Board; Motion Selectman Colbert, seconded by Selectman DeBold to appoint Deputy Forest Fire Warden, Gilbert Vien; Deputy Wardens, Walter Sanborn and Frank Hatch, Jr.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

The new insurance rates were reviewed.  The rates have increased 13.1% over last year.  

The Board discussed the lack of details on a vendor invoice submitted by the highway department.  Lisa was directed to notify the Road Agent in writing that the check would not be signed until specific costs such as number of hours, rate per hour and scope of the job were obtained from the contractor.  

The minutes of October 24, 2006 were approved as corrected. Correction pg. 2, 8th paragraph, revised to read; “Lisa informed the Road Agent that after her discussion with town counsel, the only reimbursable costs from Mr. Mullaney for Bailey Road are the paving and fine grading.”  Correction pg. 4, 1st paragraph, 3rd sentence; The Board directed Lisa to send a letter to Mrs. Robinson and Mr. Sweatt, concluding the issue.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

A Timber Tax Levy was signed for map 3, lot 3, Wilen  - $818.70

The Selectmen will not meet on Tuesday, November 7th, due to elections.  Voting booths will be set up on the Monday prior at 5pm.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.

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BOS minutes
October 31, 2006

The Selectmen discussed their top three candidates for general assessing and directed Lisa to arrange appointments to meet with the firms for informal questioning.  

Julie Patterson has terminated the current agreement with the town to graze sheep on the Shaw Field.  The Board directed Lisa to complete the draft of the Cash Farm Lease so the proposal can be offered to other interested parties.    

The Board asked Lisa to look into the procedure for appointment of the members of the Highway Safety Committee.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 11:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                APPROVED AS WRITTEN